Buyers' Agent are your representatives in this dynamic market with so much data and confusion that one needs help to navigate their path and decide what is right for them. This applies to First Home Buyers, Investors or even Developers
e.g. Why would you buy an investment property for a $1M that too negatively geared when you can buy 3 properties within $1M with all being positively geared yielding passive income so you can retire on your terms comfortably?
Why wouldn't you diversify your portfolio in different states with multiple strategies and that too in both residential and commercial properties?
First home buyers have millions of questions and gripped with fear to take the step to buy simply starting with questions around finance, should we build or buy established; which are good suburbs that will be fit my budget and requirements.
Top 20 common symptoms we have observed with buyers that need our help are:
Buyers are stuck with their financial position and cannot borrow anymore most likely to due negative geared properties
Buyers lack goals, plan and strategy
Buyers are not confident about buying the right property
Buyers are confused with too much data at hand and the problem escalates with free generic advice on social media
Buyers are not sure what and where to buy
Buyers don't take action and get drifted and procrastinate
Lack of ongoing education, mentorship and guidance
Lack of good A-team to help them with accounting, financial planning, finance and property needs
Buyers are experiencing market fear
Buyers end up paying too much as they get emotional
Buyers are time poor to do any research and find properties on their own let alone deal with multiple agents
Most buyers build their portfolio around where they live
Property portfolio does not grow and buyers end up holding it for longer than they should
Properties are negatively geared having to outlay a lot more cash to hold them and sacrifice lifestyle
Buyers finding it too hard to deal with constant changes
Buyers are frustrated with analysis paralysis
Buyers are tired of dealing with real estate agents
Buyers finding it difficult or don't know how to negotiate the best price
Buyers are sick of losing out at auction or paying too much
Buyers are unaware of the real estate process and jargons and various legislation requirements in the state they are buying